Friday, April 01, 2005

April Fools!

Sigh. This year I don't have a clue what to do for an April Fool's joke (aside from, oh, spiking the chili that Julie is making with a lot of hot sauce). Last year was kind of a high water mark for me, April Fool's-wise. It's not every year you can get someone at District Office to spend half their day freaking out :)

This year I'll just try to surprise Garrett. The good thing is that it's pretty easy. All you need to do is walk out of the room and poke your head in quickly and say, "BOO!" and he'll be surprised.

Hmm... I just remembered that I have a whole arsenal of dirty diapers that could be hidden in all sorts of places that Julie wouldn't find until she's on her way to work... hmm...

What I like to do for April Fool's is read the game news sites. Some years they really mess with people's heads, some years they don't do a very good job (ie. Mario in the new Grand Theft Auto) but it's funny to see the various reactions to the various hoaxes. So far this year the only likely hoaxes that I've seen are the announcement of a World of Warcraft expansion (which was denied by Blizzard) and that Microsoft is pulling all of their Xbox units from retail shelves due to high production costs and the impending release of Xbox 2 (or whatever it's called these days).

I did see one about Everquest shutting down servers, but alas, it's not ALL EQ servers. Just some of them. One can dream.

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