Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I need more experience before I can level up.

Well, I just got the call I'd been waiting for these last couple weeks. I applied and interviewed for a couple Program Manager positions but alas, I didn't make the cut. Ah well. I've been looking into some various schooling options in case this didn't pan out, so now I've got a direction to go in.

That's been the worst thing about the last couple weeks. I didn't know whether I'd have a new job to go back to with vastly different hours and responsibilities or not. At least now I know what I'll be doing for the short term while I put the feelers out.


What I'm Reading: A stack of graphic novels. Dark Knight Strikes Back, Ultimate X-Men & Spider Man, some crummy DC books that shouldn't ever see the light of day...
What I'm Playing: Jade Empire (Which ROOOOCKS!), WoW, The Sleep Game
What I'm Watching: Charlie Jade, 24, Doctor Who

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