Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Arise, Sir Garrett!

Today at the New Parent's group Garrett was busy terrorizing the other babies as is his wont.

After his 8th assault on the poor little chubby baby and his attempt at purloining said baby's soother, I once again went over and picked up Garrett and brought him back to his rightful kingdom (aka Rightnexttodaddyonia).

Upon setting Garrett down, I let go only to have him stand there, legs straight, for about 20 seconds or so. Then he slowly and carefully sat down. Suffice it to say, we were all surprised and amazed at his feat of balance and skill!

Now they're having a pool to see how soon he'll be walking. Shouldn't be too long now. He's tried standing a couple times since and he still isn't 100%, but he should be shortly.

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