Saturday, April 16, 2005


Garrett decided to wake me up today. That's fine. It's how he did it that made it so... memorable. Yeah, that's the word.

I was laying in bed, having my Saturday morning snooze when Julie brought Garrett into the room and plonked him on the bed. He crawled around and then found me and clambered up my back.

That's fine.

Then he started trying to tear my ear out after fiddling with it a little bit. I guess he just wanted to add another ear to his necklace of hunting trophies.

Again, that's fine. I just let him play.

Suddenly, I heard this gurgling sound like a rather wet burp.

Then the sneeze/cough came.

Suffice it to say, I was wearing the contents of his stomach shortly thereafter.

Of course, Garrett thought this was the funniest thing ever. So did Julie. I was not so amused. But at least it got me up!

What I'm Reading: Wyrmhole, graphicnovelsgalore
What I'm Playing: SC3, WoW, JE
What I'm Watching: Broken Saints

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