Saturday, April 30, 2005

End of an Empire

I just finished the awesome kung-fu inspired RPG, Jade Empire. Not only does it have a pretty cool story and lots of fun kung-fu action, it's also one of the funniest games I've played in a while (Psychonauts withstanding).

I think I'm going to stop reading what people write on the internet though. I remember when the game came out people were saying it was short, which in RPG terms means 20-25 hours, tops. Well, I must be extremely thorough or they must skip all the conversations and cinematics, because I put in at least 35 hours, plus all the time taken up by reloads.

I also read some stuff complaining about how the end was abrupt. Well, I guess that there wasn't a 30 minute CGI movie like you'd get at the end of a Final Fantasy game, but given that, to me, the last 5-10 hours of the game took place AFTER I'd thought I'd finished the game in the first place, I felt like I had a really long, extended epilogue to the game. Plus there are little summaries about what all your followers got up to after the game finishes, so that's fine with me. I felt the ending movies weren't very long, but the ending itself was fine.

And if you play it and beat it, watch the entire credits. Funny stuff there.

What I'm Reading: More graphic novels, maybe some Artemis Fowl books
What I'm Playing: Jade Empire, Psychonauts, WoW, Guild Wars
What I'm Watching: My fever get worse and my nose get drippier.

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