Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Zzzzz... Wha? It's done?!

As the guy on Evil Avatar said, "HOLY FREAKIN' CRAP! IT'S FINALLY DONE!"

Yes friends and friendettes, George R.R. "I take 9 years to write a book" Martin has finally finished the next book in what is probably my favourite fantasy series, A Song Of Ice & Fire.

Well, sort of.

Seems that Martin has exceeded the mammoth A Storm of Swords novel and churned out at least 1600 pages, by his estimation, for A Feast For Crows. So rather than "printing in microtype on onion skin paper and giving each reader a magnifying glass", he's split the book into two novels. A Feast For Crows will focus on the goings-on in Westeros and surrounding area, while A Dance With Dragons will take place mostly in the North and East.

At least this means that A Dance With Dragons is already halfway done and he's also said on his website that he figures the series will take about 7 books to finish. I think I asked him several years ago at a book signing if it was a trilogy or not and he said it would be 7 books (or was it 5?) so he's not too far off.

I like his suggestion. "And if there are those who don't agree, and still want their Big FEAST with all the trimmings set out on one huge table... well, there's an easy fix. Get both books, razor the pages out with an Exacto knife, interleave the chapters as you think best, and bring the towering stack of text that results to your favorite bookbinder... and presto, chango the Big FEAST will live again."

Now I need to go reread A Game Of Thrones and the other two books. I just got my local librarian to start reading the series, so hopefully she'll like it.
What I'm Reading: Hex & The City, Many a D&D campaign sourcebook
What I'm Playing: Guild Wars, The Suffering, Baten Kaitos
What I'm Watching: Miller's Crossing, Doctor Who, not much else (hooray for the end of the TV season!)

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