Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Over the barrel in a falls

Today we took a road trip down to Niagara Falls with Garrett. It was the perfect day for taking in one of the natural wonders of the world and watching people plunge to their deaths. Alas, the latter part of our visit to the Falls didn't happen, but maybe next time!

Garrett seems to have a real love for water and water related things, so the Falls seemed like the perfect place to take him now that he's big enough to appreciate things. He seemed to like looking at the water going over the falls, but I think that the noise of the falls, the crowds of people and the ever-present mist overloaded him. He spent a lot of the morning just looking around at people and the falls and had a really wierd look on his face. He wasn't happy, but he wasn't sad or upset. It was that look he gets on his face when he's trying to figure things out.

Ah, the scientist in me loves seeing that look :)

He did really like the gears and bubbling water in the Hershey Store. Of course, he also liked flirting with the girls at the checkout counter too. That guy...

We didn't do the Clifton Hill stuff (aside from the Hershey Store) because a) it's expensive and b) Garrett's way too young to enjoy the wax museums and such. Hopefully in a couple of years we can go back and just go the full-bore tourist route and have a lot of fun that way. Not right now though.

Unfortunately, Julie, Garrett and I are all sick to some degree. Julie's still fighting her sinus cold, Garrett had a runny nose and I've got some weird ear infection that is making the side of my face feel kind of numb around my ear. I'm going to the doctor tonight to see if I need a facectomy, but hopefully I'll just need some antibiotics or laser ear surgery and I'll be right as rain.

We still had a great day though, maladies and all. The weather was perfect and the Falls are always nice to visit when the tourists haven't completely overwhelmed them.

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