Friday, May 06, 2005


I finally found somewhere that had an exerpt of the funny stuff you get to enjoy in Psychonauts.

This happens while you, as Raz/Goggalor, are busy smashing a city of mutant lungfish that has been brainwashed. Take the rebels' ultimate plan, which is revealed once they're secured a blimp. Here's the exchange:

Rebel Leader: Now you see the genius of our plan, Goggalor.

Pilot: First we print flyers. Then we spread them all over town with my blimp.

Rebel Leader: Winning over the hearts and minds of Lungfishopolis in as soon as six months.

Raz: Six months?

Pilot: If you don't like our plan, you can think up another one.

Rebel Leader: Yes, we are busy. We have to select card stock and then find a decent, but inexpensive printer within a week.

(All you really wanted to do was fly up above the dam using their blimp. Silly lungfish.)

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