Thursday, May 26, 2005

Lost Musings

This is neat.

There is a website for Oceanic Airlines, the doomed airline is the lynchpin to the whole mess on Lost.

On the website there are all sorts of hidden clues, etc. scattered about.

For instance, there are not one, but two messages hidden in the source code (you can also see the edge of one sticking out behind the ticket info graphic on the homepage).

"If anyone should find this message, please get word to Sandra Rafflethorpe of Palm Avenue in Lewiston, Idaho that her sister, Sally is alive and stranded on an island somewhere in the South Pacific. Please send help soon. Things are bad. And they're getting worse..."

"Robert D. West, of Santa Barbara, California, USA survived a horrific plane crash and is stranded on an island somewhere Northeast of Australia and Southwest of Hawaii. In the event that I am never found, please forward word of my fate to parents, Mr. and Mrs. John West, of Tucson Arizona. Thank you."

Also, as someone on the ABC message board pointed out, there is an interesting bit of information with regards to the flight itself.

"On the home page is a message from the "president" of Oceanic Airlines in which he mentions a "tragedy" with Flight 815 that has put the airline out of business. Note that he does not say "crash". Others have noted that it is unlikely that a single crash would put an airline out of business. So what kind of "tragedy" would?

At the top, click on the link for "Track Flight" and on the page that opens, type in 815 into the Flight Tracker search box. The page that follows shows something very interesting. Flight 815 is shown as leaving Sydney at 14:04 (4 minutes late because of Hurley). Note that instead of "Landed", like the other flights, it says "Alert". BUT over in the columns for Arrival, it shows an ACTUAL ARRIVAL TIME of 03:23, only 7 minutes later than scheduled. The plane actually arrived in Los Angeles! It did not crash! So what was the "tragedy"? What was the situation when the plane arrived? Were all the people we see on the island not aboard, and the airline can't explain what happened to them? Maybe the plane arrived and no one was aboard! I don't know, but I am thinking this may be a BIG CLUE!"

There's also a seating chart for flight 815 that you can fiddle around with to unlock pictures of the cast as well as the Season 2 teaser. There's a how-to write-up here.

Just thought the rest of you Lostophiles would get a kick out of the possible questions and such that the easter eggs on the site hint at. Oh, and in the President's Message on the homepage there's a little grey line. It's actually a graphic with a missing page of the finale script. Neat.

What I'm Reading: Hex and the City
What I'm Playing: Guild Wars, Tales of Symphonia, Thief 3, Get Garrett To Go To Sleep
What I'm Watching: The Future Is Wild, My Garden Grow

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