Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Gamers are human!

This is an interesting little article detailing how gamers aren't single-minded teenagers living in their parents' basements. It actually shows that they (we) are normal human beings who are involved with many a non-game thing. I bet the stats for non-game players in the following areas are probably a lot lower.

Forty-five percent of gamers volunteer at an average 5.4 hours per month.
Sixty-one percent of game players engage in some type of religious activity for several hours each month.
Ninety-three percent of game players read books or daily newspapers, while sixty-two percent often attend cultural events, such as concerts, museums, or the theater.
Fifty percent spend time painting, writing, or playing an instrument.
Ninety-four percent follow news and current events, and 78 percent report that they vote in most of the elections for which they are eligible.

Man, I wish I had never gotten the RSS feed for Slashdot. Now I'm finding all sorts of great stuff to pass on to you, my loyal readers.

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