Sunday, January 16, 2005

Calling All Coders

I have a question for those of you so inclined.

I have noticed on various blogs and/or news posts that people have a "What I'm Listening To" and "What I'm Playing/Reading/Watching" thing after each post. Sometimes it's "Mood:" or some such thing too.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew how I could add something like that to my blog. That way I could put what book I'm reading on a regular basis, what game(s) I'm working on, etc. without having to do a whole post about it.

I know I could just add it myself to each blog entry, but I was hoping that there was a template or script of some kind that'll do this and all I'd have to do is fill it in.

If it's something that would require me to move over to Livejournal or somesuch thing, forget it. I've carved a nice little niche out here on Blogger and I don't want to give that up if I don't have to. I'm just curious if it's possible (and relatively easy) to do.

Thanks in advance!

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