Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Riding Tall

This Canadiana fact brought to you by the CBC.

Did you know that the territory of Nunavut counts as one (yes, ONE) electoral riding? And that it's the largest in the country, being approximately 2 million square kilometers?

There are only 27000 people living in all that space and so it's quite a trek to go around, kissing babies and shaking hands in 4 weeks time.

Speaking of interesting electoral shenanigans, there's some drama occuring in the riding where the group home is.

The Liberals in the local riding association aren't voting Liberal this election. Why? The person running for candidacy was parachuted in by the party against the wishes of the local association and they're none too pleased. I remember reading about this in the local paper a week or 3 ago, so I'm not surprised. Heck, I even sympathise. They've had the same local representative for the last 8-10 years and he lives in Richmond Hill. Then they get a new person and she's not even local either!

The best part is that they're all going to vote NDP :) Hee hee.

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