Monday, June 28, 2004


Well, it seems that it's official:

The Liberals have formed a minority government.

This is cool. I've never been a huge fan of the Liberals, if only because they NEVER DO ANYTHING (until recently, when it's been scandal city). Now that they're a minority, maybe they'll get the kick in the pants they've needed for some time and get to work on some of the things they promised to do, oh, 11 years ago...

It's also heartening to see that the NDP has made some gains and might actually hold the balance of power, unless the Libs decide to go to the Bloc for support on a motion or two.

I just hope that Layton can stick to his promise to make whatever party he shores up in a minority government hold a referendum on proportional representation.

The nice thing about this federal election is that unlike any of the last 3, you could actually see that your vote counted. I can't believe how many of the races were real squeakers won by less than 1000 votes, some less than 500. Yeep!

And I've created a political junkie. Garrett stayed up for the whole of the election coverage (well, till now). Granted, he was feeding most of the time or sort of staring off into space while squirming around on my tummy, but still...

Oh, and I have to say that I liked the Newsworld coverage the best, with the CTV coming in a close second. I could only watch a bit of the Global coverage before blood started to ooze from my eyes and ears... compared to the refinement of the CBC coverage, it was just too much.

Not to mention the Global site was busted most of the evening. Sure, you could see the headlines, when they finally loaded up, but their little flash thing was buggered. CBC's worked splendidly all night long with nary a slowdown. Not only that, you didn't have to have your election coverage interrupted by Spiderman 2 commercials. Take that, people who don't like public broadcasters!

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