Tuesday, March 01, 2005

You know you've been to the library a little too often when...

You can take books out without having to take your library card out of your wallet.


I went in tonight to get some books that I had on hold and I wasn't even up the stairs to the check-out desk when the librarian said, "Ah, we were wondering if you'd be in since we just called you."

That's fine. I like the librarians here in Acton. The creepy part was that she scanned the books I was getting out and handed them to me without my having to show her my library card. Well, it wasn't that creepy. They probably had my ID number on the hold slip so she just punched that in.

What confirmed that I've been to the library a wee bit too often is that when I went off, found another book and came back, she just scanned it in and handed it to me without my even having to get my card out. And it's not like it was on my previous check-out screen. At least one or two families checked books out between my check-outs.

The fact that they know my name and absolutely LOVE Garrett is a good thing. However, it's sad when your social circle in town consists of the staff at the local Subway restaurant, the lady who sells peameal bacon and eggs on a bun at the Trunk Sale and the entire library staff.

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