Thursday, March 03, 2005

Wolfram & Spig

I picked up Season 5 of Angel yesterday, marking the finale of my Buffyverse collection, aside from owning the original Buffy movie.

Anyway, this last season of Angel is amazing and easily my favourite season of all the Buffyverse. I mean, I watched almost the whole thing in one day. That's gotta say something :) I'm on disc 5 of 6 and I've only had it home since around 1pm yesterday.

I think the biggest thing this season has going for it as opposed to all of the other Buffy and Angel seasons is that I knew nothing about it. I made a point of not watching Season 5 on TV at all, so as not to spoil it when I got the DVD set. This means I actually don't know what will happen at the end, which has made it much more interesting.

That, and the episode "Smile Time" is one of my favourite episodes ever. Best werewolf vs. vampire fight ever.

It's yet another thing that I've been reading/watching that deals with the nature of Good and Evil and the lovely little grey area inbetween. More importantly, it deals with the concepts of when doing good causes more harm than allowing evil to continue, and whether the good should still be done regardless. It's interesting, to say the least.

What I'm Reading: Grass For His Pillow
What I'm Playing: WoW, Jak 2 (stupid racing missions suck)
What I'm Watching: Angel Season 5, Garrett climbing up everywhere he can reach.

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