Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I'd better not get sick!

We went out for family pictures today and got some really nice ones both of the 3 of us and of Garrett doing his "HEY! I'M CUTE!" thing. Afterwards we went over to Great Wall Of China and copious amounts of shrimp dumplings were consumed. We didn't end up getting home till late so I ended up skipping Karate tonight, but hopefully I'll be going back tomorrow.

If I'm not sick, that is. Ever since we got home, I've been coughing and I had the worst headache not too long ago. I managed to get through the entire winter with only one or two little icky days... if this is The Death Cold, I'm not happy about it. I did sleep in a lot today and yesterday, so it's not like I'm getting no sleep either... wierd.

What I'm Reading: The Darkness That Comes Before
What I'm Playing: Zelda: The Minish Cap, God of War, The Refresh The Server Status game
What I'm Watching: Spots float in front of my eyes.

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