Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A REALLY Cold Case File

This is neat.

They've done a CT scan of King Tut's mummy and determined that he likely was not murdered, but instead died of infection caused by a broken leg. It's not definitive, but they seem pretty sure of it.

Speaking of colds, whatever I had on the weekend was gone by yesterday morning. Seems that Suzie has something somewhat similar to what I had, but with more severe symptoms. Ah well. Hopefully it was just a 24 hour bug that was going around.

What I'm Reading: Grass For His Pillow, Ultimate Spiderman V. 1 & 2, I Never Liked You
What I'm Playing: Jak3, WoW, LoZ: The Minish Cap
What I'm Watching: Dawn Of The Dead (2004 Remake), Collateral

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