Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Yet another reason I won't be getting a PSP for a LONG time.

According to this little article on Ars Technica, the 1 GB proprietary memory devices for the PSP are going to likely run ~$300 US. Granted, you can get cheaper ones, but they're not big enough to do much in the way of storing movies or MP3's, let alone game files. You can get 3rd-party mem cards, but 3rd-party stuff and Sony are usually not good mixes.

Sigh. So let's see. The handheld is looking to retail at $250 US, the memory units that'll be big enough to do anything with it are going to cost another $300 US... sheesh. Not even the PS2 was that insanely expensive at launch.

Add to this the lovely news that the square button on the unit might not work right, and that Sony has pretty much said, "Deal with it." Yeah, let me fork out $500+ at the bare minimum for a product that is kind of wonky from a design standpoint.

Well, suffice it to say, the earliest I'd get a PSP would be about a year or so down the line, hopefully after they fix the button problem and the price drops a few hundred bucks, Canadian...
What I'm Reading: Thief of Time (will this book ever end?!)
What I'm Playing: Way too much WoW, Thief 3, Blood Will Tell
What I'm Watching: Scrubs (first episode I've seen since Christmas)

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