Wednesday, September 15, 2004

What not to do in case of fire.

I tried out The Sims 2 today for a bit and it was pretty fun and funny.

I made up a sim family that was pretty much Julie, Garrett and myself. We had a nice little house... Had being the operative word.

All went well till in the middle of the night I somehow set the kitchen on fire.

Sim Brock put little Sim Garrett outside first and then ran inside to get Julie up. Sim Julie and I then tried to put it out... all night long...

In the morning Sim Julie has passed out on the living room floor from exhaustion, Sim Garrett's lying on the sidewalk sound asleep and Sim Brock is running off to his first day at work.

The mailman walks by and sees the baby sleeping on the sidewalk and is wondering what's going on...

Good thing it's a game and not real! I had to laugh at the baby snoozing on the sidewalk while mom's passed out on the floor.

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