Sunday, September 05, 2004

Grab while the iron's hot.

Well, today I learned one of life's valuable lessons.

Never grab an iron while it is plugged in. Well, never grab it in such a way that you're holding both the plastic part and the actual heated iron.

I was at work and ironing the Sunday clothes for the guys when the incident happened. I just reached over to move the iron and didn't even think about the fact that it had been plugged in and heating up for the last 5 minutes.


The sad part was that I didn't drop it right away. I was kind of like, "Hmm... that's a funny smellohmanthathurts!"

I now have a nice little blister on my left index finger. Sigh...

The saddest part is that I'm not sure why I even bother trying to iron the guys' clothes. I am part of that elite club that actually makes clothes more wrinkly than they start out when I iron them. It's quite sad.

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