Thursday, September 02, 2004

The Acton Stalker

Speaking of zombies, Julie & I are being stalked.

By an 80-year-old man.

On a bi-monthly basis...

The friday before Garrett was born, Julie & I went out to one of the local restaurants to celebrate her last day of work and the impending birth. We had the pleasure of eating there while this old guy complained about everything under the sun, but in that funny, cranky way that only curmudgeons can complain.

Well, tonight we decided to try out the new italian place in town and who should be sitting at the next table over, our good friend Mr. Grumpy and his keepers.

Now, if we go out again in two months and he's sitting at the next table over, I'm going to be very scared. I don't know if I can take another evening of his critiques!

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