Sunday, June 12, 2005

My computer has a DNR order on it

Last night, in a fit of supreme stupidity, I decided to try to defibrillate my computer. I was thinking about plugging in my old hard drive so I could access some of the MP3's on it and burn a CD to take to work. I looked into my system and voila, there was a power plug that I hadn't noticed when I'd installed the fan for my video card a few months back.

Rather than turn off my system, plug in the old hard drive and boot everything back up, I decided to just plug in the hard drive while everything was still powered up.


A little spark arced from the plug to the terminal on the old hard drive and my system shut down that second.

The bad part was that it wasn't turning back on. Suffice it to say, I freaked out a bit. I was hot, sick and already antsy because of my impending work startage. Then I go and do something like this. Thankfully it turned back on after much cursing, praying and fiddling with the computer, but man...

The wierd thing was that Julie's profile was working fine. I could access the internet, surf around, look on the hard drive. My profile, on the other hand, would load up the background but it wasn't connecting to the net or letting me do anything.

I had to make a new profile for myself and then I tried my old profile and everything seems to be working fine. Wierd. I guess that's just my system's way of sticking its tongue out at me for shocking it senseless last night.

The moral of this story is: NEVER EVER EVER plug in a live feed to a hard drive or anything else on your computer. I'm just happy that the system seems to be back to normal and I didn't have to dig out the Dreamcast so I could check my mail like the last time my system died on me.

I think I'm still suffering PTSD from the near loss of computer... I'm blaming the heat for doing that. Stupid, stupid Brock...

What I'm Reading: Something. I'm taking my library books back because I have too many out right now.
What I'm Playing: Wipe the sweat from my brow.
What I'm Watching: Primer (very odd movie), Le Grande Seduction (awesome movie)

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