Sunday, August 08, 2004

Death Cold Strikes Back

Remember the good ol' Death Cold that likes to stop off in my sinuses about once a year? Well, it looks like it's arrived today.

I felt perfectly fine last night when I went to bed. I woke up this morning with a somewhat scratchy throat and by the time work rolled around this afternoon, Julie was telling me I should just stay home. Of course, last minute coverage on a Sunday is nigh impossible to get, so I ended up at work, hepped up on Tylenol Sinus and just tried to make it through the shift.

Alas, I couldn't go home early so I just got home now. I'm going to take some Neo-Citran or Tylenol Sinus Nighttime and see if that'll knock me out. I'm going to sleep on the couch downstairs so I don't give Julie or Garrett this monstrosity of an illness. Thankfully I've booked off tomorrow so I can just convalesce at home and be right as rain on Tuesday.

Hmm... according to my thermometer, I'm running a temperature of 99.6 F... woo!

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