Sunday, August 29, 2004


I just finished Sudeki for the Xbox. Luckily Garrett has been rather complacent today, so I was able to have a nice relaxing game afternoon while he slept.

Sudeki has been one of the oddest gaming experiences I've had lately. It wasn't a particularily long RPG, as it only took me about 24 hours to finish. It was a game that I really wanted to finish just to have it finished and also to see exactly how it played out. Unfortunately, the conclusion of the game was pretty much telegraphed from the opening cutscene and the story just wasn't really interesting enough to warrant a game as long as it was.

A ha! I have the perfect analogy. Sudeki is the videogame equivalent to my Everest book-on-CD. It's got an interesting base that they developers could have done wonders with, but the presentation is incredibly dull. Oh well. It's over and I can just trade it in now.

That said, the graphics were amazing. At least, the environmental graphics were. It was a real treat exploring the 3 different worlds in the game.

The character design, on the other hand, was horrible at best. I don't mind cartoony characters, but this game didn't even have well designed ones. Sigh. Not only that, there was really only one memorable character in the whole game and he didn't even get really interesting till the last quarter of the game.

I did like the combat system of the game though. It would have been nice if the melee aspect was sped up just a wee bit, but otherwise the combat was pretty fun.

I'm just glad I've finished the game so I can go and work on some really good ones like Ghosthunter and Tales of Symphonia... and Fable (in 3 weeks!)

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