Monday, August 02, 2004

Brocky Goats Gruff

We were out yesterday for dinner at Julie's grandparents' house. It was a delightful afternoon/evening of having lots of other people take care of Garrett and letting us not have to. I even got a chance to finish reading my Summer Stephen King Book, which I'd almost forgotten to do this year. From A Buick 8 was a decent King novel. Nothing too special, but it was interesting.

Anyway, I was sitting there on the deck, reading my book and as I was stroking my beard I felt a kind of pointy hair. I pulled out this hair and it was like no other hair on my beard. It wasn't very long, but it was really hard and wiry. I could have poked someone's eyes out with it, had they let me. I could have rotisseried a chicken on it, if there were really small chickens around for me to skewer with it.

It's just odd since my beard is rather non-lethal except for that one hair. Maybe I'll grow another one and be able to use it for a quill pen or something.

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