Friday, August 20, 2004

Be vewwy quiet... I'm hunting pwesidents...

I just finished watching a very interesting documentary called The Hunting Of The President. It's all about the various attempts over the course of Bill Clinton's presidency to impeach or otherwise discredit him.

It's definately not a Republican-friendly film, but heck, I remember the whole Starr investigation kafuffle and thinking it was a waste of time then and I still think so now, even more so after watching this film. I will also say that the film does really go out of its way to portray the Republicans as slavering fiends from hell, bent on controlling the US and THE WORLD!!! But I do think that the core theme of Clinton being the subject of a witch-hunt does hold weight, even with the bias of the documentary.

Not only that, it reenforces my bafflement that so much time and energy could have been spent on the Whitewater scandal and the various sex scandals, all the way up to impeachment proceedings.

Now we have a whole panoply of reasons for why the current administration in Washington should be up for impeachment or some other disciplinary measure (intelligence failures, misleading the public, police state actions, outright conflicts of interest with corrupt corporations, STARTING A WAR BASED ON FAULTY AND MISLEADING INTELLIGENCE) ... and yet the media in the States balks at the mere notion of critical thinking in its press corps...

Sigh. Some things just really get my dander up. I should wash my hair more...

Must... Not... Go... On... Political... Ramble!!!

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