Monday, August 09, 2004

Fever dreams...

I hate trying to sleep when I'm running a fever. My mind just races and I can't shut it off. Then there are the dreams/nightmares. If they were cool scary nightmares, that'd be ok, but they tend to be very annoying instead.

Last night as I tossed and turned on the couch I was stuck in some kind of prolonged episode of American Chopper. I HATE American Chopper, but I think my brain had latched onto it since I saw a bit of it last night while trying to stay concious at work... Bleh.

Today has been alternately better and worse than yesterday. Thankfully I'm not at work, which means I can sleep when I can, but unfortunately I haven't been sleeping too much. My temperature keeps bouncing around betweek 99.6 and 100.7 F. Bleh again.

I hate the Death Cold. It's not fun. On the upside though, I did watch a lot of CSI today.

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