Thursday, August 12, 2004

Conference, shmonference

I actually ventured out of the house today and attended the Willow Creek Leadership Summit conference down in Stoney Creek. Unlike the last 'leadership' conference I attended in May, this one is actually very good. We're just getting the satellite uplink from Chicago, but they've done a really good job of it and I've been impressed so far with the people they had speaking.

The good thing is that while the conference is aimed mainly at pastors and the church crowd, it is also being seen by a lot of business people as well, so again, unlike the farce that was the May conference, it's full of good facts and interesting concepts. Heck, I've actually taken about 6-7 pages of notes, and I never take notes at these conferences.

Not only that, but they were interesting enough to keep my sick, doped-up-on-painkillers self not only awake but completely attentive for the whole 8-9 hours that it went for today. And I still have another day and a half to go, but I'm looking forward to it.

Tomorrow they're having the president of the University of Southern California speak as well as one of the founders of Yahoo! and another business guy. Should be neat.

The only downside of today was that I got dragged off to this horrid 'chinese' buffet for lunch. I was scared to eat the jello, that's how bad it was. Granted, it was only $6 per person, so you get what you pay for... Hopefully tomorrow we'll go to somewhere that has real food.

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