Saturday, May 01, 2004

And that last post was just about the content of the conference!

I won't even detail the various things that happened on the logistical side of the conference.

Like having everyone locked out of the building, despite the rainstorm. Like the fact that I ended up playing volunteer tourguide since none of the real volunteers bothered to stand by the doors or knew what was going on.

Etc. etc. etc...

Did I mention I didn't really enjoy the day? Sigh.

It wasn't a TOTAL loss though. I did have a nice chat with my uncle and my cousin. My cousin Rayelle works for Mitchell Books, one of the other sponsors of the event and so I helped her out with some of her duties, if only to keep from being one of the milling herd. I also got to chat with her a bit.

Sadly, I probably talked with her more today than I have in the past two years. Not that we've all had a falling out or anything. I just tend to talk to that family when something CH related brings us into contact rather than at family gatherings. *shrug*

Ok. Now I'm finished ranting. *deep breath*

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