Monday, August 15, 2005

A WoW World

This is an amusing article about how MMORPG's will someday be as commonplace as e-mail and mobile phones.

"Even now, much of the satisfaction for WoW gamers is in the very real sense of accomplishment they get, a person glowing with a burst of golden light when they gain a level in experience and strength. How can the real world compete with that? Wouldn't those long Calculus lectures have been easier to sit through if, every time you learned something important, gold light shot out from your body?"

I wish. I also like this arguement about why theft of items in an online game should be punishable by jail time.

"...Let's say our friend John has his Bonebiter (one of countless powerful weapons in WoW) and a man steals it somehow. Should the thief be convicted of a crime and punished in the real world? Did you snort with laughter at that question?


The victim worked many hours to 'earn' the object. The victim used it daily and depended on it. He derived happiness and satisfaction from it. So why shouldn't depriving him of it be punishable by law? If you say, 'but it's just something he used in a game,' I'll say that golf is also just a game. Want to see what happens to me when I steal a new set of golf clubs?"

What I'm Reading: Dead Beat
What I'm Playing: WoW, FFVII, JSRF
What I'm Watching: Constantine

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