Monday, August 01, 2005


I can't believe I actually won something, and on Simcoe Day of all days!

Granted, it's nothing THAT special. Every month the folks over at Evil Avatar have a draw for 5-6 comics and you can put your name in every week during that month.

Somehow my one entry was picked this month and I am da winna!

The reason I'm so happy about it is that the Serenity #1 comic is part of that winning package. I've been trying to hunt down that issue for the past 3 weeks, to no avail. I even had Codeboy scouring the shops in Toronto for me. I'd ask James, but he's too busy eating tasty and delicious bomb treats.

So it's a happy day for me. I get 5 comics at no cost to me and one of them is the comic I've been trying to find for over a fortnight!
What I'm Reading: Beyond The Deepwoods
What I'm Playing: WoW, Fire Emblem 2 (so bloody addictive!)
What I'm Watching: Nothing! Went for a few hikes lately though. Neato!

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