Thursday, August 11, 2005

Garrett: Wild Turtle Hunter

We stopped in at the library today to pick up some books and noticed that we had to park a particularly far distance from the bridge to the library. And yes, you have to cross a bridge to get to the library in Acton. That's what makes it so cool.

Anyway, we went inside to pick up the books and the librarians asked us if Garrett was there to see Franklin the Turtle. We didn't know there was a turtle due to arrive at the library in mere minutes, so we went downstairs to see him.

Franklin arrived and while he was answering questions from the kids, Garrett started bulling his way up through the throng. The next thing I know he's standing there a foot away from Franklin. Seeing how he was the first kid to get up there, the guy from the newspaper took a few pictures but by that time Garrett was more interested in the camera than the turtle. Ah well. He did stay up at the front for a while until there were too many kids. I'll let you know if he made it into the local paper or not.

Not bad for a random visit to the library.

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