Friday, August 12, 2005

Use Neutron Bombs

This is an excellent article rebutting historical revisionists on the 60th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.

"We might have gotten a negotiated peace if we had dropped the “unconditional surrender” demand. But at what cost? Seeing a militaristic Japan arise again in a few years, this time armed with nuclear weapons that they would not have hesitated for one minute to drop on Americans.

As it was, the unconditional surrender of Japan enabled General Douglas MacArthur to engineer one of the great historic transformations of a nation from militarism to pacifism, to the relief of hundreds of millions of their neighbors, who had suffered horribly at the hands of their Japanese conquerors."

[Edit: OH MY GOD! I just agreed, nay, linked to a site for fans of Ayn Rand. NOOO!!!]

What I'm Reading: Dead Beat
What I'm Playing: Killer 7 (almost finished)
What I'm Watching: Dark Water (original Japanese version), Time Bandits, Constantine

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