Friday, February 27, 2004

Weird dreams are made of these....

I had a couple wierd dreams last night.

The first starred Doug and his basement apartment. Yes, I know he doesn't have a basement apartment, but I was helping him move some stuff into it and there was a girl who lived across the hall who had, in my dream logic, OCD. She was trying to help us out but kept getting distracted by having to count the flies on the window and stuff like that... it was really wierd.

The second dream happened between the time when Julie woke me up and went off to work and then called me and woke me up the second time. I was out with a couple of the guys from work and I think I was going to the hospital with them. As we were parking, who walks by the car but my friends Yvette & Noel. I went out to talk to them and they had just had breakfast at this restaurant and for some reason we just kept talking about breakfast and this wierd restaurant for almost the entire dream. Then, as I was about to take the guys to this great restaurant and have breakfast, I noticed that one of the guys had wandered off down the street and kept getting further and further away and no matter how hard we tried to catch up to him, he just kept going...

Then I woke up.

Those are my dreams. Anyone care to interpret them?

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