Thursday, September 04, 2003

It's funny sometimes. I read books and interviews of famous authors and they say how they have to write every day or they'd just explode or something.

Now, anyone who's known me for any length of time knows that I love to read and that one of my dreams is to be an author, or at least be published SOMEWHERE. But whenever I read one of those articles about how so-and-so has to write every day, I feel bad because I don't write anything most days as I'm so distracted by my games, books and so forth.

But really, blabbing in the blog counts for something, doesn't it? It's nothing coherent most of the time and it tends to be rather rambly, but I do feel the need to write something down most days in this, so I guess I am still exercising my literary muscles :)

That said, I need to take a year off work and just write the great Canadian novel that I've always wanted to write. I wonder if I can get a year off with pay. That'd be just ducky.

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