Saturday, September 27, 2003

I just finished watching a neat old horror movie called The Wicker Man. It's not so much a horror movie as a thriller/commentary on the relationship between Christianity and pagan religions.

A policeman goes to an island off the coast of Scotland to investigate a missing girl. He's a devout Christian and is appalled at the various wierd pagan practices going on at the island.

But the way that the villagers act is quite in keeping with a society that just has quite different values than one founded on Christian values. While the officer is horrified at what goes on, the villagers just accept it as a way of life.

It's dated, sure... it was made in 1973. But I think the main themes still hold up ok and it is pretty creepy... heck, it's VERY creepy, especially towards the end.

Plus it stars The Equalizer!

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