Friday, September 19, 2003

And today Tycho over at Penny Arcade tore a strip off of Gamespy. This is probably one of the first times I really don't agree with the guy. I like Gamespy a lot and I thoroughly enjoyed their article about overrated games this week. Most of them were good games, just overrated and they go to great lengths to explain this. They actually listed Final Fantasy 7 there, which was fine by me.

They do recognize the impact that FFVII had on the RPG industry as a whole, and that it was a good game, but I do agree with them. It was great at the time, but it hasn't aged nearly as well as pretty much any other game in the series and there are other FF games that are much better. Tycho sort of spun it like they were saying that the game wasn't any good. That wasn't the case from their article. It was just that it was overhyped at the time.

It's also interesting that you can tell when people started playing games if you ask them what their favourite FF was. If they say VII, you know they didn't really start until the Playstation came out. If they say VI or IV, you know they've at least been playing since the SNES days.

I did kind of agree with Tycho about the Donkey Kong Country comment. I don't know what every game magazine and review site has against that game. I never played THAT much of it, but I remember being wowed by the graphics at the time and while it was a standard platformer, it wasn't much better or worse than most of the other stuff out at the time. But every game site or magazine just really has a hate on for DK Country... *shrug*

I also agree with them about Halo. Fun game, but for anyone who has played many FPS's on the PC, it just doesn't stack up. It'll be interesting to see what people have to say about it when it finally comes out on the PC shortly.

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