Thursday, April 05, 2007

I'm HOW sick?!

Well, after being run out of work by germaphobic coworkers yesterday, I figured I'd rest up and see if I felt better for today's shift.

We all ended up sleeping in until almost 9am (unheard of!) but I felt worse than I did yesterday. Gah. So I went to the doctor.

Turns out I've got at least a sinus infection if nothing else. I'm on a pile o' meds (blech) and still feel crappy.

The upside of things is that I was able to get a note from my doctor for work so I don't have to go back until next week. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and I'll be good to go by next week. I only have 3 days to work next week and then I'm off for another two weeks, hopefully with a new baby to look after. I just don't want to be super sick when Julie goes into labour!

It was funny to go into work today to drop off my note and have my manager tell me to get lost because he didn't want whatever I have. I've never felt the love like that before!

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