Friday, April 20, 2007

How To Be A Bad Husband: Tip #389

Julie woke me up last night at around 3am or so, handed me her watch and told me to time the contractions.

I said, "Sure!"

Then I rolled over, put the watch down on my bedside table and fell back to sleep.

I figure that if Julie WAS in labour last night, I would have received a few sound kicks to my head and had the watch firmly pressed into my grasp.

Sigh. Suffice it to say, there wasn't any actual labour. Julie's been feeling a contraction here and a contraction there, but nothing to actually indicate that Kid Furious is actually ready to make an appearance yet.

Of course, this has given Julie some stories to tell the various ladies around town that we've bumped into about how bad a husband I am :)

We're hoping that she goes into labour this weekend as Julie's doctor is going on vacation on Monday. Don't worry... We'll keep everyone posted.

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