Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I almost forgot!

I've been meaning to link to this for about a month but kept forgetting.

Child's Play!

It's a great charity started by the Penny Arcade guys about 3 years ago that has gamers from across the world donating games, movies and other diversions (plus buckets of cash) to children's hospitals around the US and now Canada.

If you're feeling like giving to a charity case this Christmas, give to me. If you want to give to someone REALLY needy, give to Child's Play. Either way you'll win.

And that's my PSA about why gamers aren't the vicious killers they are often made out to be. Heck, the PA guys have already raised over $420 million US and that's just from this year! Crazy.

ED:Er... I mean, $420 thousand dollars... Not million...

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