Wednesday, December 22, 2004

It's OVER!!! (for now)


I'm off work and (not) on vacation! Now I can get back to what I really enjoy:
Elaborate bank heists!

Today was my last day at work, although my parental leave doesn't technically start until Sunday. Good thing I have all that extra time accrued! It was wierd saying goodbye to the guys and telling them that I'd see them in the summer. Not bad, just wierd :)

And of course, it was an absolutely insane last day too.

The best thing about it was that I had a To Do list with WAY too many things on it to sanely be completed in less than 8 hours and even though I didn't get home till midnight, I got every single thing on that list checked off. I wanted to be able to go on my leave with a clear conscience and the knowledge that I'd left with everything in order. And thankfully I did!

I'm going to bed relatively early tonight (for me at least) because it looks like we have a doozy of a blizzard scheduled to come in sometime tomorrow afternoon or evening and I don't want to get stuck driving in it. I COULD drive home tonight, but I'm wiped and need to recharge for at least 6 hours before I go. At least Julie & Garrett are already in Sarnia.

I'll probably update ye olde blog while I'm away, but count on updates being sporadic at best. I'll be back here sometime mid-week next week, date TBA, but likely Wednesday.

In the meantime, have a very Merry Christmas everyone, and a Happy New Year, in case I break both hands and can't type for a couple weeks.

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