Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Garrett vs. My Nose

I woke up today and Julie plopped Garrett into my arms while I was still in bed. He was propped up on my chest and had his usual wide-eyed wonder look on his face.

Then he decided that he didn't like my nose.

Over the course of the next 5 minutes he kept lunging at my nose with his mouth wide open, giving my nose a big chomp with his one SHARP tooth each time. Then he decided to drool into my nose. I tell ya, nothing will get you out of bed faster than a nose full of baby drool.

Just for good measure, he also jammed his entire thumb up one nostril, which had to be delicately extricated by Julie, lest it become lodged up there and never come out.

Julie says it's because there wasn't anything else for him to play with, but I just think it's because he just doesn't like my nose.

Yup. I haven't posted anything since Friday and this is what I come up with :)

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