Monday, November 07, 2005

Stupid Flu

So my flu seemed to materialize today, as I expected. I was all hepped up on Tylenol Sinus this morning so I was able to do my stuff at church and then went into work. That said, I knew I must have been sick because people were asking me at work if I was ok. The upside is that I got to go home after two hours (of a twelve hour shift) and I'm ever so happy that I didn't stay there all day.

I've got that annoying flu/cold thing that makes all of your joints ache. My head is actually doing pretty well, concidering how stuffed up I usually get when I have my cold. I think I had a borderline fever though as I was alternately hot and cold all day...

The only downside to this (aside from not feeling very good) is that I am now wide awake. I slept for about 2-3 hours this evening and now I'm not tired. Sigh. Exhausted, yes, but not brain-tired. Nothing annoys me more than trying to sleep when you're not feeling 100% and having your brain go along at a million miles an hour. The upside of it is that I tend to feel like I can solve theoretical physics conundrums, but alas, I haven't been able to put my feverish delusions to any practical use.

Anyway, I'm off to see if I can read myself to sleep. Unfortunately the book I'm reading is quite interesting.
What I'm Reading: The Amulet Of Samarkand
What I'm Playing: The Suffering: Ties That Bind, WoW
What I'm Watching: The West Wing: Season 3, the inside of my eyelids

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