Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Well, Bush won.

There ya go.

What more can I say?

The best line I heard regarding the win was from a guy in a bar in Ohio last night when it was looking really close.

"Americans had a choice to vote with their gut reactions of fear and mistrust or vote with their brains and use reason. It's kind of sad that more Americans decided to vote with their gut than with their brain."

And I also liked the phrase that the election was really based on "the three G's: Guns, God and Gays". That sums it up.

Ah well, what can ya do? It was a very close race and even closer victory, given that Bush was up by about 15 points prior to the debates a month ago. The fact that he's an incumbent war-time president and STILL just squeeked by is rather telling too.

At least it's comforting to know that our far right parties barely scratch the left of center camp of the US parties.

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