Wednesday, November 10, 2004

My new exercise regime

After finishing off the first two (and so far, only) books in the very cool Weather Warden series (which is like the Dresden Files only with physics), I've now got a new book to read.

Of course, it weighs about 30 pounds and is the size of a bear cub.

Yup, I'm talking about Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.

The homage to magic in the Victorian Age and a paean to the pleasure of reading. What some say is Harry Potter for adults. I say it's a really honkin' huge book with binding I'm scared to bend.

It also has a gleeful overabundance of footnotes. Thankfully I'm a real footnote kind of guy (you could say I have a footnote fetish :) so long as they're not just references to other books. These are the kind of footnotes that can take up 3/4's of the page to explain an obscure term that has NOTHING to do with the story, but it fleshes out the universe the author has created beautifully.

The sad part is that I've been reading it for two days (albeit for only about 20-30 minutes total over those two days) and I'm only 25 pages in... only 775 to go! Sigh.

I just wish I didn't have to have a special trolley to cart it around on when I take it places. It certainly won't fit in my pocket!

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