Sunday, November 09, 2008

Gastrointestinal Napalm

Word to the wise: When your kid has been home sick for the last 3 days and there is stomach troubles a-brewin' with your other kid, the prudent person DOES NOT GO OUT FOR WINGS! Unfortunately, I didn't heed my warning.

We went to this place called Wild Wing in Milton. It has about a zillion wing flavours and, of course, I decided to get the hottest wings on the menu. BAD IDEA. How hot were these wings? Well, when I woke up around 5 this morning, my fingers were covered in blisters from where I'd gotten the sauce on my hands. I shudder to think about what it's doing to my stomach.

We also made the mistake of getting boneless wings, which are actually big chicken fingers. We only ate about half of our 32 wings, if that... the upside is that we'll have plenty of incredibly spicy chicken wings to eat for the next week. Julie did get the maple+mild wings and they were quite tasty compared to the liquid fire I was consuming.

I wouldn't mind going back to the place but not for quite some time. Maybe by then they'll teach their servers that if you've got a family with two small children who are going squirrelly when you drop the bill off, you should try to return to the table to settle the bill sometime within, oh, ten to fifteen minutes. Suffice it to say, she didn't get much of a tip.

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