Sunday, October 02, 2005

Go see Serenity

By far the best Sci-Fi movie I've seen this year, if ever. Easily one of the best movies period that I've seen this year. I can't think of a single thing that disappointed me about it. There are some things I wish hadn't happened in it, but they didn't disappoint me. I was just mad that they happened!

It makes me feel dirty for having spent money to see Episode 3. I was happy to have seen it with Codeboy, Blitzy and Dave as Codeboy had never actually seen an episode of Firefly and he thought it was an absolutely fantastic movie on its own.

Check out the awesome UK poster for Serenity while you're at it (link takes you to the landscape version of it).

Oh, and here's Orson Scott Card's review of Serenity where he compares Serenity, favourably, to Hamlet (the play, not the movie).

'...Only as the film actually began this afternoon, the day of its premier, did it occur to me that I had not heard a whisper of a breath of the actual plot of the movie. All I heard was, "It's great, you'll love it."

Well, guess what.

It's great.

I'm not going to say it's the best science fiction movie, ever.

Oh, wait. Yes I am.'

What I'm Reading: Midnight Over Sanctafrax
What I'm Playing: Indigo Prophecy, Dungeon Siege 2, WoW
What I'm Watching: Serenity... sweet, sweet Serenity

Take me out to the black
Tell them I ain't coming back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me

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