Sunday, October 23, 2005

Accursed Snooze Button!

Funny story... sigh...

I had to work a 7-3 today. My alarm went off as usual at around 5:51am, then 6am, then 6:09am...

The next thing I know I'm looking at my alarm clock and it's reading "8:02".

I did a double-take, then looked at Julie's alarm clock which had the same time on it.


Suffice it to say, I'd somehow turned off my alarm clock and slept for an extra 2 hours. Thankfully I was able to get to work before 8:15, but still...

First time that's ever happened to me in all my years of working at CH. Crazy.

The guys at work were giving me a hard time about it today. Whenever I'd yawn they'd say that I shouldn't be tired because of all the extra sleep I got. Sigh.

I will say that Garrett was waking up about every hour or two during the night, which probably led to my subconsiously turning my alarm clock off instead of hitting snooze for a third time. I think he's getting his two-year molars.

Ah well.
What I'm Reading: Finally finished State Of Fear, not sure what to read next
What I'm Playing: Shadow of the Colossus, WoW
What I'm Watching: Nothing really, though I'll probably fire up Arrested Development: Season 2 soon.

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