Thursday, July 08, 2004

Nipple Confusion

I think that's my favourite baby-related phrase.

Nipple confusion.

Speaking of which, last night I was looking after Garrett for a while so Julie could get a few hours sleep before, oh, 5am. He was doing ok, but then he started to really fuss, so I was sort of holding him up and talking to him and just generally bouncing him around to see if I could get him to burp or something.

He was about 3 inches from my face when he suddenly put both hands on my cheeks and whammed his face down, right on my nose. Then he started sucking on my nose with what can only be termed as gusto.

I think he may have been hungry... I have to say that the sensation of a toothless baby sucking on one's nose is rather odd. It did quiet him down for a bit though, so I let him suck till he realized it wasn't a nipple. Oh well.

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