Wednesday, July 14, 2004

I'm not dead yet!

Hey all.

I just realized that I haven't posted anything since, oh, Saturday!

It has been a crazy bit here at Chez Wager. I already blabbed on about last Friday's interminable wedding ceremonies, which I now blame for tiring out both Julie & I AND Garrett.

Julie's parents were down on the weekend (Thursday-Saturday at least). We spent most of Saturday doing repairs around the house and installing the air conditioner, which was great since the summer heat finally hit this week.

I also worked on the weekend, so that kept me busy.

What else... oh, Garrett has decided that sleep is for chumps, and he doesn't want his parents to be chumps, no way, Jose! Thankfully the last couple nights haven't been so bad, but from Friday to Monday he pretty much just stayed up screaming his head off all night long. No wonder he sleeps all day... he needs to rest up for the next night!!

Julie & I did go out to see Spiderman 2 (Sorry Doug & Jenn, I used my free passes) yesterday at the Stars & Strollers showing in Brampton. I really like the movie, Garrett slept through it and Julie almost slept through it too, but that's pretty much par for the course.

I was starting to think that there was a conspiracy afoot to keep me from seeing the movie though since when we got there, the lady at the door was totally unaware that they were supposed to be showing the movie at 10am, even though the website stated they were as of yesterday morning. Thankfully there were enough of us disgruntled parents there, babies in tow, to 'convince' them that it would be in their best interests to let us see our movie.

Afterwards, Julie & I went to this 'Calling New Parents' group in Acton. It was pretty good. I was having fun watching the big fat babies bounce their heads off the floor, cry for a few seconds, laugh and then do it all over again. Some of those babies are FAT! I guess it keeps them protected from all the bouncing off the floor though...

THen I worked, came home and slept (I think... I don't really remember things anymore these days) and this morning I watched Timeline which seemed to bore Garrett enough that he fell asleep again. I don't think he liked that thunderstorm last night much either...

Woah, this is a LONG post. I'll shut up now, since I have to head off to work in a wee bit.

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